Feral animals like deers, pigs, cats, foxes, rabbits and goats are a permanent feature of the Australian landscape, causing untold damage to native species.

Feral deer in urban areas are responsible for:
- The destruction of native vegetation through browsing and trampling
- Directly competing with native fauna for food resources
- Significantly impact on the water quality of creek systems through soil erosion
- Damage residential gardens and fencing
- Causing traffic hazards and collisions
- Carrying parasites and diseases which may be transmitted to humans

European Rabbits have caused untold damage to Australia’s ecosystems and agricultural industries.
They are an ongoing problem, impacting native vegetation, residential lawns and gardens, and causing soil erosion through grazing and burrowing activities.
They are an ongoing problem, impacting native vegetation, residential lawns and gardens, and causing soil erosion through grazing and burrowing activities.

Feral pigs damage crops, stock and property, spread weeds and transmit diseases such as Leptospirosis and Foot and Mouth.
They also cause environmental damage, digging up large areas of native vegetation and spreading weeds.
They also cause environmental damage, digging up large areas of native vegetation and spreading weeds.

Foxes pose a serious threat to native wild life, domestic pets and are a significant threat to the survival of many ground-dwelling and nesting native species. The fox is a potential carrier of canine diseases. In some urban areas, fox population densities per hectare now exceed those of rural areas.

Australia’s wild dogs include dingoes, were introduced approximately 4000 years ago. Wild dogs are now widely distributed throughout Australia.
Wild dogs pose a serious threat to native wild life, domestic pets and small livestock.
Wild dogs pose a serious threat to native wild life, domestic pets and small livestock.

Pest birds have become a huge problem throughout Australia.
Pest birds pose a serious health threat to humans. Pigeons transmit many diseases to humans and animals.
Pest birds pose a serious health threat to humans. Pigeons transmit many diseases to humans and animals.